AstraZeneca Health and Science Innovation Challenge 2017

If you’re a US-based nonprofit with a passion for solving health challenges or helping students in the health and STEM fields, then fill out the application and you might receive $15,000. This competition is held in July of every year by health giant AstraZeneca.

Applications are open until July 31, 2017 5pm EST. Follow Lootstrap on Facebook for updates on next year’s competition!

Award Amounts

  • $15,000


  • USA

Who Can Apply

  • US-based nonprofits that meet one of the following criteria:
    • Present a new approach, tool or technology to help solve a health challenge
    • Build STEM knowledge and skills among K-12 or undergraduate students

Selection Criteria

  • Respond to an urgent unmet need related to health and/or science in the community
    • Health and science innovation
      • Promote better health decisions
      • Change health-related thoughts and behaviors among patients
    • Educate, support and empower patients managing the following conditions:
      • Cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases (including mental conditions)
      • Diabetes, inflammation and infection, cancer
    • Health and quality of life improvements, including disaster relief and civic engagement
  • Describe the intended impact that the program will have on the target population
  • Define measurable outcomes and outline how progress will assessed

Application Process


  • Entities that focus solely on the following are NOT eligible:
    • Capital investments and unsolicited capital campaigns
    • Fundraisers (e.g. events, galas, etc.)
    • Healthcare provider salaries
    • Media/awareness campaigns
    • Meetings or conferences
    • Professional education and/or training for healthcare professionals
    • Research or clinical trials
    • Programs currently receiving funding from AstraZeneca
  • The following are NOT supported:
    • Endowments
    • For-profit organizations
    • Individuals
    • Initiatives outside the United States or its territories
    • Journals or advertising
    • Political causes, lobbying, fraternal or social organizations
    • Religious organizations whose activities are not open to the general public
    • Nonprofit organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, military service, veteran status or disability.
    • Travel
